Category: Uncategorized

New Design and Material

In preparation for the upcoming workshops we decided to create a leaner / more user friendly design. As of now you can find all the important information on the start page, while the more technical project information is still available, but less present.

Furthermore we finally released our first materials for everybody to use! Currently available are modules about AI Basics, Ethics in AI as well as Supervised Learning. Feel free to give us feedback on

Artificial Intelligence, as YOU see it

The ENARIS project is not only about teachers, but about everybody! Our goal is to foster general AI awareness for all age groups and professions. Therefore we have created a short survey to get a better understanding of your knowledge and opinions regarding AI.

The short questionnaire is available in three languages and will be open until June the 7th.


Thanks for helping us creating relevant awareness workshops for everyone!

Needs Assessment Survey

One part of the ENARIS project is to provide teachers with the tools they need to integrate AI topics into their curriculum. To be able to provide useful tools and materials, we created a needs assessment survey for computer science teachers. The questions are centered around the requirements of tools and teaching materials to be easily usable in class.

The survey is available in multiple languages (English, German, Hungarian) and can be completed until April the 25th, using the link